World Brain Day - How to get involved

The main objective of this day of the brain is to increase public awareness and promote advocacy related to brain health. The theme for this year’s campaign is “our brain - our future”.

Please plan your activities accordingly. Following are suggestions for member societies:

  1. Arrange press conference, media briefing sessions etc. involving local media
  2. Seminars, conferences, public awareness sessions
  3. Presentations at local schools, colleges, universities
  4. Poster, essay, drawing competitions
  5. Collaborate with other organizations (Brain council, neuroscience societies, neurosurgery and psychiatry organizations, stroke and epilepsy society etc.)
  6. Newspaper, magazine articles


For display in official web sites, face book pages and other presentations. Banners are available in many sizes.


For printing and dissemination. These posters could be mounted in medical colleges, universities, hospitals, public places etc. Before printing you could paste your national or local society’s name and logo on it.


For printing and dissemination. These brochures could be distributed to students, doctors and media persons and public. Before printing you could paste your national or local society’s name and logo on it.


This presentation can be used at seminars, media briefings, public presentations. You can add your national or local society’s name and logo on it.


This whole material could be translated in any local language. Do not translate “World Brain Day”. Please send translated material to us so it could be used by others.

Press release

A press release has been prepared in English, French, German and Spanish. Delegate societies could translate this press release into local languages and send to media by press conferences, media briefings etc.

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Click on the links below to download








Download the World Brain Day logo, brochure, poster, and banners that feature key messages. We hope that you will use these materials to promote both your activities as well as mark the first World Brain Day in 2014.

The society with the most effective awareness and advocacy campaign will be acknowledged at WCN 2015.



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